frequently asked questions

  • We believe you deserve personalized care that is affordable without the limits of allowables, deductibles, or visit limits.

    Therefore we do not accept insurance and are not in-network with any insurance providers.

  • Our doctors are certified in the Webster Technique. This is a specific technique that gently helps to ensure proper pelvic balance, muscle tone, and structures specific to pregnancy that support proper mechanics and development throughout a healthy pregnancy.

  • We begin to serve kids from the first hours they are born and is absolutely safe. We use pediatric specific techniques to care for your child that are completely different from traditional chiropractic care. An adjustment for a child is similar to the amount of pressure you feel when touching your eye.

  • Yes! We are a full family office that is specialized to pediatric and prenatal care. That means we are fully equipped to serve your full family and see amazing results. This means dad, athletes, and grandparents are all welcome in our space.

  • We offer a variety of plans that are recommended specifically to your needs.

    As a rule of thumb:

    Your first 2 visits are a total of $150:

    • this covers your consultation, initial scans, evaluation, doctor’s report, first adjustment, and resource folder.

    After you establish care:

    • visit pricing varies from person to person and size of families under care. For more information schedule a FREE discovery call for us to help determine your needs.

Did we answer your questions?

have more questions? book a FREE discovery call so we can help