a connected experience

your first visit

We want to KNOW you. Your Initial Visit is for us to get to know your story, needs, and answer any questions that you may have. We will go over your goals, past events, and what you are currently challenged with.

After going over your paperwork together, we will perform a series of scans through the INSiGHT system to determine the current state of your nervous system. This highly advanced technology allows us to take a deep look into the balance, control, and tension of your body.

Plan this visit to be about 60 minutes or and make accommodations if working with babies or young children.


consultation, chiropractic exam, INSiGHT scans, and assessment

your second visit

After your first visit, the doctor will study all of the information that was gathered during your time with us. When you arrive for your second visit we will discuss these findings of your last visit in detail.

Together we will determine if our space is the best fit for you and go over recommendations for achieving your highest potential and crushing your goals.

Plan this visit to last about 45 minutes.


scan report, custom care recommendations, 1st adjustment.

Argyle Chiropractic, Pediatric and Prenatal Care

Your intake forms will be emailed to you as soon as you book your visit.

Initial Investment: $150 includes 1st and 2nd visit.

*we currently do not accept insurance.